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Lighting a fire in nature

Lighting a fire and the right of public access

Probably every Finn know that he has a right of public access. However, few remember that the right goes hand in hand with responsible behavior. To respect and preserve the nature is something we all should remember both during our free time and while we are at work.

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organisms of mire habitats

Mire habitats

Biologically mire is an ecosystem where mire vegetation grows and forms fresh peat; also animals from centipedes to ospreys are a part of this ecosystem.

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perch and Perälammit introduction


Fishing is the most popular hobby in our country, it has been calculated that more than one million Finns go fishing every year. A major part of these people…

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Illustration of animal traces

Animal traces

When we wander the forests we can rarely see the timid mammals that live there. However these mammals leave their visiting cards from which a nature lover can easily identify different species.

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Lily-of-the-valley, a plant in dense in population

Plants in Kätkävaara

Many familiar plants grow on the southern slopes of this tree-covered hill. Our national flower, lily-of-the-valley, forms dense plant stand populations.

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History of a tree and estimating its length

The history of a tree

A felled tree like this one can tell us quite a lot about our cultural heritage. In the bygone days a “lumber-jack” felled a massive pine for timber. In the felled tree he found some rot.

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wave signs in rocks

Wave signs

The Kätkävaara area has been a seabed in ancient times. The boulders in Kätkävaara were originally sand that deposited in the shallow coastal waters more than 2 000 million years ago.

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ancient shores formed by water level

Ancient shores in Kätkävaara

About 9000-8900 years ago the continental glazier melted and retreated from Tervola and Kätkävaara. The waters of Lake Ancylus then covered these areas.

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Preview map of katkavaara


Kätkävaara stands over 180 meters above sea level. Biogeographically this area belongs to a zone between Northern Ostrobothnia and the geographical Lapland, which starts to the north of this area.

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Tree with its swirls

Estimating the age of a tree

If the soil is low in nutrients and climate is harsh, trees grow slower than in more favourable conditions can be more than hundred years old but only couple of meters in length.

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Organisms in dry pine forests

Dry pine forest

Dry pine forest are dominant in areas where the soil is dry and low in nutrients. A major part of nutrients in the forest floor are washed away with rain and melt water…

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Rocky terrace in raised beaches

Raised beaches

Littoral deposits do not occur only on the shores of present-day waterways, you can find them in all those areas, that have been on water level or under it since the last ice age.

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Reindeer winterfeeding

Tervola belongs to Finland’s reindeer management area. However, here in the southern part of Lapland, reindeer husbandry is often a subsidiary livelihood for people who earn their living from agriculture and forestry.

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Demonstration of carved signs on trees

Carved signs on trees

There are old pine trees on top of Kätkävaara with various wooden signs carved on them. These pines are hundreds of years old and can be found in the very highest areas of hill.

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Raven and common cuckoo

The raven is a large all-black corvid bird. At maturity, the common raven averages 55-70 centimetres in size, and when spread the wings can be twice as long.

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