Welcome to Tervola!

The Kätkävaara nature trail is a nature hiking destination maintained by the municipality of Tervola. Are you already familiar with Tervola?

Tervola is a place of caring, optimism, open-minded problem solving and the home of ”bucketheadness”, or the attitude of doing things with a glint in one’s eye.

The Tervola’s ”bucketheadness” has created and maintained excpetionally good municipal servicces and business environments, and nurtured a communal way of life. One can use the road 4 to go through the tranquil and natural beauty of Tervola to the nearby towns of the area in an instant. Tervola’s ”bucketheadness” is a state of mind that anyone can embrace.

We warmly welcome you to explore the Kätkävaara nature trail. Share your experiencces in social media using the hashtags #kätkävaara #tervola #pienimuttaämpäripäinen

Tervolan ja ELY-keskuksen logot

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Kätkävaara nature trail is a nearby recreation area development project funded by municipality of Tervola and the Center for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.